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What is Memory tuning: -XX:InitialRAMPercentage?

What is Memory tuning: -XX:InitialRAMPercentage? Have you used this JVM argument before? What are the pros & cons of using this Java argument? Can you share your perspective/experience in using this JVM argument?

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  • x-initialrampercentage

  • Memory tuning

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Pavel Khodakovsky



You can set the initial heap size as a percentage of total memory with:


-XX:InitialRAMPercentage=x, where x is the desired percentage of heap memory between 0 and 100 of type double.




Will set the initial heap size to 15.2654 and 30%:


-XX:InitialRAMPercentage =15.2654






This Oracle HotSpot option can be used to specify the initial size of the Java heap as a percentage of the total memory available to the JVM. If you set a value for -Xms, the -XX:InitialRAMPercentage option is ignored. If your application is running in a container and you have specified -XX:+UseContainerSupport, the default heap size for containers, the -XX:InitialRAMPercentage option is based on the available container memory.


Default Value:


Depends on the system




Accepts only numeric double values from 0 to 100


Arguments related:


TODO link Xmx, Xms, UseContainerSupport, MaxRAMPercentage


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