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What is Memory tuning: -XX:NewSizeThreadIncrease?

What is Memory tuning: -XX:NewSizeThreadIncrease? Have you used this JVM arguement before? What are the pros & cons of using this Java argument? Can you share your perspective/experience in using this JVM argument?

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  • xx-newsizethreadincrease

  • x-newsizethreadincrease

  • Memory tuning

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Pavel Khodakovsky



You can change increment size for heap with:


-XX:NewSizeThreadIncrease=size, where size is one the amount of memory in Kilobytes.




Will set the increment size to 1024 Kilobytes:






The JVM heap grows during the run of the application. As more threads created in a server application, the object allocation rate will increase with the number of active threads. The number of active threads is considered when adjusting the size of the young space, after a garbage collection. This flag specifies, in Kilobytes, the increment in young object space size, per active thread, to accomodate potentially faster object allocation rate. For applications that frequently create a lot of objects modifying the value for this options could boost performance.


Default Value:








Arguments related:


TODO link UseG1GC, MinHeapFreeRatio, MaxHeapFreeRatio, Xmx, Xms, UseSerialGC, USeParNewGC, UseParallelGC, UseZGC


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